I’m pumped. Thanks to Midge Dockery—the Marble Falls EDC’s indispensable business development coordinator—and some delicious coffee and scones from Numinous, my Friday morning got off to a great start with an accountability roundtable facilitated by Sam Silverstein, a renowned author and speaker. About two dozen community leaders met at MFISD’s Central Office to talk about non-negotiable core values, as well as the importance of both transactional responsibilities that focus on things and true, bold leadership that prioritizes accountability, trust, relationships, and commitment.
We talked about how our values can have a greater impact in the community and how multiple organizations can hold each other accountable. In order to begin the process, we have to, first, make time to have the conversation, and then we have to effectively communicate what our values are.
Of course, each of us has individual, personal values, and many of our organizations have values embedded in our mission statements, vision statements, and/or strategic plans—but how do we synthesize those values across and through all levels of the community?
I understand that there will be different ideas, themes, and approaches to this question—and maybe even some disagreements—but I have to think that we can come up with a common set of ideals if we begin by asking one very basic question of all Marble Falls stakeholders:
What are our community values?
In as many or as few words as necessary, please share what you think our values are, and perhaps what they should be. Comment, post, share, tweet—let us know what you think.